A late frost and a short growing season means the region’s unique plums are ripening earlier than usual.

The Denbigh Plum, Wales’s only surviving native plum variety, can trace it’s lineage in writings back to 1785.

The Denbigh plum is generally rounder and sweeter than it’s similar looking but more widely known counterpart, the victoria plum.

Peter Jones, Chair of the Denbigh Plum Group said: “We are delighted with the continued support of those whose trees have been confirmed to be Denbigh Plums by our experts.

“We look forward to welcoming you to Denbigh on Saturday 7th October 2017 to once again celebrate our own Denbigh Plum, Wales’ only native plum variety.”

If you would like one of the plum identifiers to visit you please make contact by email valeofclwyddenbighplum@gmail.com or ring 07896312905.