CHILDREN from the Sibling Support group at Hope House Tŷ Gobaith children’s hospices enjoyed the thrills and spills of white water rafting.

Brothers and sisters of young people who access the hospices’ care services were treated to an adrenaline-packed morning at the National White Water Centre in Bala.

The group in full flow on the rapids.

The group in full flow on the rapids.

The group before setting off with instructor, Connor (left).

The group before setting off with instructor, Connor (left).

After being fitted out for their wetsuits, helmets and buoyancy aids, the group of six were taken through the techniques by instructor, Connor, before hitting the fast-flowing River Tryweryn for three unforgettable rides.

The anticipation builds in the training session beforehand.

The anticipation builds in the training session beforehand.

The group were escorted on the day by the hospices’ Sibling Support team of Mary Leighton and Brian Pimbley.

A smiling face at the end of the day.

A smiling face at the end of the day.

Mary said: “It’s so wonderful to be able to bring the children on adventures like this.

“Quite often they may be a little shy initially, but then throughout the day their confidence and smiles grow, which is beautiful to see.”