There's an annual debate among Brits about whether the clocks should switch an hour back come the last Sunday of October or whether the practice should be scrapped all together.

This change, intended to extend the daylight hours during shorter winter days, has been a contentious topic among citizens.

The tradition dates back in the UK to the First World War and was first introduced by Germany on April 30, 1916.

It was a tactic used to conserve coal during wartime.

Britain followed suit and introduced "summer time" a few weeks later on May 21.

This year, clocks in the UK will move backwards an hour at 2am on October 29.

While some are looking forward to the additional hour's rest in the morning, others are resentful of the returning darkness during their evening commute.

Readers were asked whether this time-honoured practice should be discarded and opinions were split.

Melanie Jayne Williams said: "No because my Halloween party is on the night it goes back and I would like an extra hour of alcohol consumption … selfish ? Maybe maybe not."

Louise Stanley expressed delight about claiming an extra hour in bed; something that many may relate to.

Conversely, Stephen Whittingham was of the opinion that lighter nights are preferable and wants to see the practice ditched.

Nick James humorously asserted that the practice was "invented for someone to get more rounds of golf in".

Mel Williams brings up an economic perspective, claiming that abolishing the daylight savings time practice could save the UK economy a staggering £160 million every year.

Russel Erwood, however, stands up for the environmental reasoning behind the switch.

In his words, "the morning commute is a bit lighter" due to the clocks being put back and he believes this is crucial during the dark period of winter.

Opponents of the time change, such as Linda Brooks, suggested that the government settle on either British Summer Time or Greenwich Mean Time, while Andrew Lloyd argued "why change something that's not broken".

The last time Britain experienced a big change to the way it measured time was in the late 1960s.

An experiment to keep British Summer Time all year round led to more road accidents, however, and was culled.

Christian Rich said: "They tried it once and kids were going to school in the dark and there were more accidents...and there was no 20 limit then."

As we move towards the end of October, the UK populace remains split.

Some are thrilled at the prospect of more sunlight hours in the morning, others prefer light in the evenings, and a few staunchly advocate for an end to the traditional clock changes.

Although in our readers' responses there were more in favour of scrapping than against, the debate, it seems, is timeless.