IT would seem that global warming and the degrading of the environment are, at last, being brought to the attention of the general public and parents in particular are starting to think about the subject.

But, more remarkably, the younger generation are becoming “activists”.

It sounds good, but how many of these “activists” actually get out into the countryside, or are even mildly aware of their actual environment, in as much as it relates to our beautiful countryside?

Colours have a great impact on our state of mind; architects often design areas where people are likely to be waiting in stressful situations to have green painted walls, because the colour green has a calming effect, just as the colour red can aggravate or even inflame people under stress.

It is becoming apparent that even a walk across a field or through a wood has a calming effect which reduces stress. Natural Resources Wales, the body charged with looking after our environment, is currently running events, including providing fishing tackle, to encourage participation in angling.

I was delighted to see that on the same page as my last column was a report on the success of anglers fishing at Llyn Brenig: a beautiful spot high on the Denbigh Moors is quite large and caters for sailing as well as angling; it also has some easy but beautiful walks. Well worth a visit.

There are many types of angling.

Coarse often involves hours of quiet and patient waiting for “big ‘uns” or the chance of catching many small and beautiful fish in relatively short periods of time, (that’s how I started), or sitting on the banks of a lovely river searching for grayling, bream or chub, to name a few of the many species available.

Game fishing employs many of the methods involved in coarse fishing, save that the fish being sought are perhaps trout, sea trout or sewin and perhaps salmon. This type of fishing can also include spinning and fly fishing.

All methods and techniques are easy to master, with a little perseverance and patience and the willing guidance of other anglers.

Generally, we are a sociable, helpful and friendly lot.

The Masonic fishing charity, over the summer months, takes people of all ages who may suffer from disabilities of have learning difficulties. They arrive with stony faces and perhaps a little trepidation and leave with faces beaming and a certificate recording their visit - it is a honour and a privilege to participate.

All coarse anglers happily admire their catch before returning the fish to the water and because of the growing scarcity of all of the game fish, the majority of these fish are treated in the same manner: we have become environmentalists because we care for our waters and the fish that populate them.

For those of you that are kind enough to read my articles, you will be aware that I do not often pen items that may be considered “advertisements” for angling, and this is probably the nearest I am likely to get.

Sitting in roadways to protest about the lack of action against global warming and environmental degradation may well be laudable, but if the participants are unaware of what the countryside is and the farming activities that take place in it, then their words are just that - words.

If they do not realise that it is the farmers and their animals that manicure our fields, hedgerows and forests, ably assisted by the natural wild animals and birds that make their living from the land and trees, than how can they realise the effects of pollution and climate change on our stunning countryside, or what they can do to help prevent the current slide into potential calamity?