THE Urdd is looking for members aged 18-25 to sit on each of the organisation’s strategic boards.

All board members aged 18-25 will meet nationally as required and will be mentored and supported by the individual departments, chair and board members and Urdd central services staff.

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Young people will sit on each one of the Urdd’s strategic boards and they will have a direct say in all of the Urdd’s strategic discussions and decisions.

The organisation welcomes applications from individuals who wish to contribute to the Urdd’s work and gain experience and skills that will benefit them as they start out in their careers. Experience and specialist knowledge are not essential for this role.

The Urdd’s strategical boards are as follows: The Human Resources Board, The Business Board, The Sports and Apprenticeship Board, The Board for the Eisteddfod and the Arts, The Residential Centres Board.

Interested people can find more information by visiting