THE Welsh Government will give £2.8million to local authorities after their income has fallen due to reduced income and unemployment during the coronavirus lockdown.

With large numbers of households being affected by reduced income or unemployment, more families across Denighshire have become eligible for the Council Tax Reduction Scheme which has provided a lifeline to low income households across Wales.

However it has come at the expense of county council budgets at a time of increased expenditure, with a total deficit of around £173m across the country.

The Welsh Government funding will aim to support local authorities as it assesses the full extent of the decline in counil tax collection over the last five months.

Finance Minister Rebecca Evans said: "Whilst the coronavirus outbreak is affecting everyone, we know that it is having the most significant financial impact on some of the most vulnerable people in our society.

"The funding Iwill provide local authorities with the financial reassurances they need to continue to support those who need it most.

"I would encourage anyone who thinks they may be eligible for help with their council tax bills to contact their council for advice."