A JOINT-FUNDING venture has allowed for creative summer schools to take place for children in Denbigh and the surrounding area.

Backed by the Lottery Community Fund, Clocaenog Forest Fund and the Freeman Evans Trust, the project has been able to provide 100 places for young people in the area to join the Denbigh Workshop team.

This year's creative summer school has been hosted at St Brigids School in Denbigh and has been based around a 'Myths and Legends' theme.

Based around stories from the Mabinogion, professional Actors from Londons West End, regional theatre and TV have been working with up to 50 young people each day for five days.

They have created a clay Gwŷddbwll game with arts practitioner Huw Davies, become a Slyph from a Matthew Bourne Ballet with professional Dancer Louise Rigby, Clubercised with Linzi Wood and played drama games with Kane Parry.

They have also done some improvisation and storytelling with Sean Jones, participated in art and craft with Siân Lloyd Davies and written stories with Susan Comer, cast spells with Kaitlin Howard and devised physical Theatre with Carys Gwilym.

According to the Denbigh Workshop, the children have 'learnt life skills and built great friendships'.

Tracy Spencer Jones who runs the charity said: "Having not delivered workshops face to face with anyone since March 2020, it's been an absolute pleasure working with young people face to face again we've really missed it. Looking forward to next week too."

With restrictions in Wales now moving to Alert Level Zero, the Denbigh Workshop are now hoping to reinstate their youth theatre from September.

For more information on the charity, contact Tracy at Thedenbighworkshop@gmail.com.