THE Welsh Ambulance Trust has issued guidance to members of the public who require medical assistance today (Wednesday, January 11).

The GMB union is holding its second day of industrial action, following on from one on December 21.

More than 10,000 ambulance workers are on strike as planned today despite talks with the Health Secretary on Monday, the GMB union has said.

The Welsh Ambulance Trust has issued a stakeholder toolkit to set out its key messages during industrial action.

The trust said: "We respect the right of Trade Union members to strike and recognise that Trade Unions are acting in response to a mandate from members in a wider NHS national pay dispute.

"Similar action is being taken by ambulance staff across the UK.

"We have worked with GMB colleagues on ‘derogations’ for January 11, which have been confirmed by the respective Trade Union.

"This refers to the services that will be maintained, albeit at a reduced level, on strike days.

"We continue to work with Unite colleagues on derogations for January 19 and 23 and will update stakeholders accordingly.

"However, despite these derogations, patients and partners should assume that our services will be significantly disrupted.

"We are asking the public to consider very carefully how they use our services during days of industrial action and would value the support of partners to help relay key messages to the public."

READ MORE: Almost 1,500 ambulance workers in Wales prepare for second strike day

Key messages to members of the public when it comes to 999 and emergency care are:

• On strike days, patients should call 999 only if seriously ill or injured and there is a risk to life.

• Ambulances will still be able to respond in these situations, but this may be only where there is an immediate risk to life. 

• The trust always prioritise 999 calls according to the patient’s clinical acuity and the sickest patients will always receive help first.

• It is likely that only life threatening illnesses or injuries will receive an emergency response for the duration of the strike action.

• Some patients might be asked to make an alternative arrangement, such as making their own way to hospital.

For the NHS 111 Wales service, it is suggested:

• The NHS 111 Wales website should be your first port of call for health advice and information, including Strep A.

• You can also speak to a pharmacist, GP or visit a Minor Injuries Unit. You can find your nearest service on the NHS 111 Wales website.

• You can call 111 with an urgent concern, but high call volume means you need to be prepared for a lengthy wait for your call to be answered.

Tips on how the public can help include:

• Stock up on prescription medications and over the counter remedies for common ailments to reduce the risk of you falling ill on strike days.

• Ensure you have adequate first aid kit supplies in the event you need to administer self-care for minor injuries at home.

• Take extra care during the cold weather to avoid slips, trips and falls, and accidents on the road.

• Look out for family, friends and neighbours who are especially vulnerable.

Further information is available on the Welsh Ambulance Trust's various social media platforms.