"CARING, inclusive and friendly" schools have received a top mark following an inspection.

The federated schools at Ysgol Caer Drewyn, Corwen, and Ysgol Carrog received a visit from Estyn inspectors in November.

The full report has now been published.

The inspectors spent time in the classrooms across the two schools, chatting and listening to the enthusiastic learners who enjoyed sharing their work and experiences; with a sense of pride in their schools.

The Estyn report noted that a particular strength of the schools was the understanding of the needs of their pupils and their families, which helps to foster positive relationships across the whole school community.

Nearly all pupils make strong progress in their learning including those with additional learning needs and they show healthy attitudes to learning.

Headteacher Jayne Davies said: “We are extremely proud that the Estyn reports reflect the hard work, dedication and commitment of all the staff who ensure that they have high expectation and aspirations for all the pupils to be the best that they can be."

READ MORE: Ysgol Caer Drewyn retain platinum status for eco work

The report also noted:

· The schools are caring, inclusive and friendly communities that promotes the importance of good behaviour successfully. Positive relationships are a strong feature across the schools and the support offered to learners is exceptional with purposeful and suitable interventions.

· Pupils develop strong attitudes to learning, respect for others and supporting the well-being of pupils and staff is at the heart of the federation’s vision and values. As a result; pupils feel safe, valued and contribute well to the life of their school.

· Leaders and staff readily adapt and evolve their provision effectively to meet the needs of their learners. They ensure that they provide a rich and diverse curriculum that stimulates pupils’ interest and develops strong attitudes to learning.

· Leaders have a clear vision for implementing the Curriculum for Wales. This is based on strong values across the federation, including kindness, curiosity and creativity.

· Pupils make good progress in developing their literacy, numeracy, digital, creative and physical skills.

· The positive, caring and nurturing relationships that exists among pupils and between staff and pupils is a strength of the school.

· Teachers adapt their teaching extremely well to meet the needs of all learners.

· The use of the outdoor learning environment to support pupils learning is a strong feature of the curriculum provision.

· Leaders and staff have established strong links with parents and carers and the wider community, which is having a positive impact on pupils learning and well-being.

· There is a strong culture of safeguarding across the school.

The Estyn report recommended two areas which had already been identified in the school’s self-evaluation processes improving opportunities for pupils to develop and make good progress in their Welsh-speaking skills and to strengthen teachers’ feedback and opportunities for pupils to reflect on their work so that they know what to do to improve.

The schools will draw up an action plan to address the recommendations from the inspection.

Estyn has invited the schools to prepare a case study on its work in relation to developing a rich curriculum and effective teaching that meets the needs of all learners and promotes strong attitudes to learning, for dissemination on Estyn’s website.