THEY are building a community team in Denbighshire.

The Vale of Llangollen Rotary is forming a separate, but very allied, group of people that want to work in the community, but do not want to commit to being a full Rotary member and its financial cost.

The new partner group is known as the Vale of Llangollen Rotary community team and will be very much integrated with the new Rotary club at their meetings and in their community work in Llangollen and its Vale villages.

This hybrid club is a 'first' in the Rotary district it is thought this is a first in the UK.

The new team is being formed through a Rotary opportunity founded in 1986 under a program called the Rotary Community Corps.

Since then, Rotary has over 11,000 such community teams in 105 countries around the world. Vale of Llangollen Rotary secretary Mike Lade said: “The community team is open to anyone over 18 years of age who want to get involved with likeminded people, to be part of the social group and make new friends.

READ MORE: Rotary visit explains life-saving schemes to Llangollen cubs

"It is for those who share the Rotary values, who wish to integrate with the Rotary club, our community work and Rotary projects but without the commitment and financial cost of being a Rotary member.

"That said, we always welcome those that wish to be full Rotary members.

"It’s all about options and choices."

Mr Lade added: "The cost of being part of our community team is just £10 per Rotary year.

"Our hybrid club is now 20-strong and growing, but we welcome more members to join us as a community team member or a full Rotary member.”

There will be an open evening on April 24, but anyone interested in learning more before then can contact the club at any time or just drop into the weekly meetings on a Monday evening.

The Vale of Llangollen Rotary and Vale of Llangollen community team is ready to welcome individuals and couples aged 18 years and over from the local community who want to be people of action.

The Rotary club normally meets face-to-face at the Liberty Tavern, 20 Market Street, Llangollen on Monday evenings (7.30pm).

Alternatively, people can join the meeting from wherever they are via the Zoom account connection.

For more information on what their new style of Rotary has to offer, contact Mike Lade on 07803 038858, e-mail or see