TENS of thousands of pounds have already been raised in community efforts to save a Denbighshire landmark.

A Corwen initiative is seeking to raise £500,000 to buy the historic Owain Glyndwr Hotel in the centre of the town and turn it into a community venture.

A share issue was launched at the start of March and it has already raised £50,000.

Spearheading the fight to save the hotel is the Corwen Partnership, which aims to sell 2,500, £200 shares to purchase and refurbish the magnificent building, which was already over 70 years old when Glyndwr raised a revolt against the occupying English in 1400.

As part of the initiative, four days of events were held in the town at the beginning of the month.

READ MORE: St David's Day launch of bid to save Owain Glyndwr Hotel, Corwen

Reflecting on the four-day event, Corwen Partnership chair David Counsell said: "It went pretty well, really.

"We were doing tours of the hotel.

"We had quite a few people round doing a tour and they were all pleasantly surprised.

"They were surprised with how good a condition the hotel was in.

"We can pretty much start using the rooms as they stand, pending a sequential modernisation of the hotel."

Mr Counsell added: "The place hasn't been used for years by the people of Corwen.

"Those who went in who know it from the past were surprised.

"Most of what we want to spend on it is for more aspirational stuff."

Mr Counsell mentioned putting lifts into the hotel and redeveloping the front of the premises.

"We wouldn't be expecting, when we buy it, to stop trading."

The launch of the share issue has proved to be a success and Mr Counsell said: "Up to now, we have raised £50,000.

"There are nearly 100 shareholders in terms of numbers and it's very positive.

"A lot of people are getting involved.

"Some 75 per cent are from Corwen."

owever enquiries have been received from all over the UK, as well as Madrid.

"I think the other key message is this is as much about Corwen as it is about the future of the hotel itself.

"The hotel is a key part of Corwen," he said.

The Owain Glyndwr Community Hotel Ltd has been set up by the partnership as a Community Benefit Society and is to issue half-a-million pounds in £200 shares, with a maximum stake holding of £50,000.

One vote is allocated to each shareholder, irrespective of the number of shares.

They have until July 1 to raise the cash to buy the hotel from local man Ifor Sion, who has kept the hotel for the past 25 years and is offering it for a knockdown £300,000.