WOULD you like to become a councillor and help the community?

Denbigh Town Council is seeking residents who would like to become councillors after vacancies opened up on the body.

There are six vacancies in total - three in lower Denbigh, one in central Denbigh and two covering upper Denbigh.

The council is seeking people who feel passionate about their home town and would like to make a difference in the locality.

To qualify, interested people must be a British, Commonwealth, Irish or a European Union citizen and be 18 years of age or over.

READ MORE: Denbigh's popular lecture series approaches its conclusion

They must also meet at least one of the following criteria:

  • Be registered as a local government elector for the area named above.
  • During the whole of the last 12 months occupied as owner or tenant land or other premises in the community named above.
  • Their principal or only place of work during the last 12 months has been in the community named above.
  • They have during the whole of the last 12 months resided in the community or with 4.8 kilometres of it.

Anybody who wished to be considered for co-option for a vacant seat should send a resume / CV to the Proper Officer, Clerk to the Council, Town Hall, Crown Lane, Denbigh LL16 3TB.

Alternatively, people can call 01745 815984 or e-mail townclerk@denbightowncouncil.gov.uk

The deadline is noon on Thursday, April 13.