A COUNCILLOR is urging residents to apply for alternative fuel bill support if they have not already received it automatically.

Cllr Mark Young, who represents Denbigh Lower on Denbighshire County Council, has urged families living off the gas grid, mostly in rural areas, who have yet to receive their alternative fuel payment to check if they are eligible.

He says he has been contacted by numerous people who haven’t been allocated their payment yet, but have been told they are eligible after checking.

Households may be eligible for the £200 alternative fuel payment if their household is not connected to the mains gas grid and uses alternative fuels - such as tank or bottled gas, liquid petroleum gas, oil, wood, or solid fuel - as the main form of heating.

Most homes that are eligible for this payment will have received it automatically as a credit on their electricity bills.

Some may not have received the payment automatically, though, generally either because their home is in an area which is mainly connected to the gas grid, or they are not connected to either the gas or the electricity grid.

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These people will have to apply through the AFP alternative fund prior to the May 31 deadline.

Cllr Young said: “Many people have already received their alternative fuel payment support.

"That is, of course, very good news for those who have been waiting for some months.

"It also means, however, that we need to ensure that no-one who is entitled to support has been left out at this difficult time.

“I’ve already been contacted and have helped several residents who has been left out of the automatic payment, so there is clearly a risk of people slipping through the cracks and I am surprised how many people are still waiting.

"If you have yet to see a credit on your bill, it is worth checking your eligibility as any help is certainly needed at these challenging times — and getting in touch via the details below and if you need any support in applying.”

People can check at https://www.gov.uk/apply-alternative-fuel-bill-support-if-not-automatic or by calling 0808 175 3943.