A MAN from Denbigh who repeatedly exposed himself in public, including in front of children, has been jailed.

Robert Jones, aged 53, of Maes Y Dre, was sentenced to three years’ imprisonment at Mold Crown Court today (May 9).

He was also sent out of the dock by Judge Nicola Saffman after persistently interrupting her during her sentencing remarks.


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Prosecuting, Brian Treadwell told the court that, on January 17, 2018, Jones and a 15-year-old girl wearing school uniform were both travelling on a bus.

Jones placed his hand on her shoulder asked her to sit by him, to which she declined.

Instead, Jones sat by her, said he “liked girls in school uniform”, before he began to perform a sex act.

When the girl moved seats, Jones followed her, before touching her on her arms and legs.

The female, now 21, took a photo of him during the incident to facilitate police investigations into the matter.

In a statement, she said she still has flashbacks about the matter, and cries thinking about it.

She added: “I remember it clearly; I can still see his face, I can still remember his clothing.

“I really hope that, one day, I’ll be able to move on, but it’s already five years on and nothing has changed.

“Why would he do that to a child? I never gave any sign that I was interested in him. I was 15. Why me?

“I think he needs to know that I’ll forever live with the trauma he put me through.”

On June 6, 2022, Jones was travelling by bus from Rhuddlan to Bodelwyddan when he performed a sex act in the presence of a 14-year-old boy.

Then, on August 11, 2022, Jones exposed himself in front of a woman walking on Denbigh High Street while pushing a baby in a pram.

Maintaining eye contact with her, Jones was said to have started to perform a sex act in front of her.

The woman said she was “completely shocked by his actions”, that the incident has “played on my mind ever since”.

On August 30, 2022, at Mount Wood community woodland, Jones exposed himself in front of a woman whose husband was talking to another dog walker at the time.

Jones’ fifth and final offence was on April 4, when he performed a sex act in the presence of a woman visiting her mother’s grave at Saint Marcella Church Cemetery, Denbigh.

When interviewed by police, Jones said people have “colluded against him”.

Regarding the Mount Wood incident, he said he must have stood on the bottom of his trousers, causing them to inadvertently fall down.

Defending, Sarah Yates said that Jones, who had one previous conviction for an unrelated matter in 2007, had displayed remorse for his actions.

She accepted that his behaviour and attitude was “concerning”, but said he “wants to get down to the bottom of why he committed this behaviour”.

Jones had been remanded in custody since March 9.

Ms Yates said he has “had the short, sharp shock of immediate custody, but is keen, eager and motivated to change his attitude”.

During Judge Saffman’s sentencing remarks, Jones told her repeatedly: “I apologise, your honour”.

She told him: “Well, shut up and listen”, but later sent Jones down from the dock after he refused to comply.

Judge Saffman labelled Jones “opportunistic” and did not deem him capable of rehabilitation currently.

In addition to his three-year prison sentence, Jones was made subject to indefinite sex offenders’ register notification requirements.

She also issued him with an indefinite Sexual Harm Prevention Order, the terms of which include prohibiting him from entering St Marcella Church Cemetery.

Jones is to pay a statutory surcharge within three months of his release from prison.