CORWEN Day Nursery held a special graduation ceremony at their nursery for the parents and the children who would be leaving the nursery to start school full time in September.

Carmen Roberts Davenport, owner of Corwen Day Nursery, said: “It was so lovely to be able to invite parents to the nursery and celebrate their children’s milestone.

"We have held these ceremonies many times in the past, but this year was our largest yet with seventeen children leaving us for full time school in September.

"Starting school full time is a new chapter for the children and by organising an afternoon such as this, we can celebrate the children’s time with us and be able to thank the parents for their support.”

Following the ceremony, which was enjoyed by everyone who attended, Carmen served the children their tea and parents were able to enjoy a cup of tea and a cupcake whilst going through their children’s learning journey.


Corwen Day Nursery graduate Megans wants to follow in both her mother’s and grandmother’s footsteps and be a teacher.

Corwen Day Nursery graduate Megans wants to follow in both her mother’s and grandmother’s footsteps and be a teacher.


A family member attending the ceremony wrote: “Thank you so much for everything that you have done for my son, it was great to see all the children in their caps and gowns and they all looked so happy. Thank you for a lovely afternoon, so thankful for all that you have done for our son, he will really miss each and every one of you.” Another parent said: “This nursery is amazing; the staff adore the children and communication is a priority. The graduation ceremony was perfect, and all the children looked fantastic.”

The children leaving Corwen Day Nursery will have learnt many life skills to prepare them for school. The children will have also learnt to socialise, share, and play with their peers as well as being accustomed to being separated from their parents.

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Carmen and the staff were overwhelmed with the feedback that they received from the parents on the day.

One parent said: “A truly inspirational nursery, so wonderful to see the level of care, nurture and love you all give to the children. What a brilliant team you all are, a super graduation, well done Carmen, Lowri and Danielle.”


Theo looking smart in his cap and gown at Corwen Day Nursery.

Theo looking smart in his cap and gown at Corwen Day Nursery.


Another told them: “Such a lovely graduation, my daughter has loved her time here, a great start to her journey. We really enjoyed the short, personal speech, it shows how well the staff know the children and how close they are to them.

As part of the ceremony Danielle Edwards and Lowri Stevens told the children what they believed they would aspire to become based on their individual characteristics.

Future careers included a teacher, a professional cyclist, a fireman, a farmer, a nurse, an astronaut, a chef, an architect, a zoologist and a stunt man.

The children were presented with a certificate and given gifts and a card with a personal message. The parents also received framed photographs of the children dressed in their cap and gown.

Carmen added:” It was an afternoon of mixed emotions, we are a little sad that we won’t see as much of these special little people however some will continue to attend our After School Club and Holiday Club. On the other hand, we are happy that we have been part of these children’s lives and given them the best start in life. We have provided them with a wealth of opportunities whilst caring for them in our nurturing environment.”

The nursery is now busy with the summer holiday period and their calendar of events consists of a variety of activities which will predominately take place outdoors and include forest school, trips, picnics, and walks.