A COUPLE of new science laboratories have been installed at Ysgol Dinas Brân secondary school in Llangollen.

Funded by the Welsh Government Capital Grant, work to update many of the facilities including new worktops, chairs, outlets, and whiteboards began in mid-August.

Lessons have now commenced at the new laboratories, with both staff and students benefiting from the new equipment.


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Mark Hatch, headteacher at Ysgol Dinas Brân, is delighted with the new science laboratories.

He said: "Renovating the science laboratories has been fantastic for the school.

“A good learning environment is essential and the teachers and pupils enjoy being able to use and learn in the new facilities very much.

Cllr Gill German, deputy leader and lead member for education, children and families, added: "The investment in the science laboratories has been fantastic for the school and will give the pupils the opportunity to learn in a high-quality environment with great facilities.”