A Denbighshire County Council worker who recently took voluntary redundancy after 38 years loyal service has been thanked.

Drew Tait, who left the council last month, was the Prestatyn and Meliden Street Scene Coordinator in most recent years, helping to ensure the area looked its best.

He was instrumental in the success of both Prestatyn and Meliden in the yearly Wales in Bloom contest.

Vale of Clwyd MP Dr James Davies said Drew will be a huge loss to the area, and before he finished was pleased to meet up with him at the Botanical Gardens in Rhyl to thank him in person for all he has done in his role over the 38 years.

James said: “I was very sad to hear of Drew’s departure from the Denbighshire County Council after 38 years and was keen to catch up with him before he left.

"I presented him with a bottle of champagne on behalf of the Prestatyn in Bloom committee and thanked him for all he has done during his time at the Council, particularly in Prestatyn and Meliden in recent years.

“Drew has always been so supportive of the various community groups in Prestatyn and Meliden and went above and beyond to help where he could.

“He had a can-do attitude and nothing was ever too much trouble for him.

“Drew's real passion for the job and for the towns he worked in was clear for all to see. He had an impressive wealth of knowledge about the local area and the public realm, which will be difficult to replace.  

“He certainly leaves big shoes to fill and he will be greatly missed by all.

“Drew is starting his own grass cutting business which I am confident will be a great success. I thank him again for such dedicated service and wish him them very best going forward.”