A launch event is to be held at St Asaph Library to celebrate the launch of a book which focuses on a workhouse once located in St Asaph.

The book is titled ‘Life In St Asaph Union Workhouse’ and is written by Rhona Phoenix.

The event, which will be held on May 31 at 6pm, at the city’s library will launch the book and will help shed light on the intriguing history of a workhouse that once stood in St Asaph, giving insights into the conditions and everyday lives of the workers which once inhabited the building.

The book paints a vivid picture of what life was truly like within the walls of the workhouse, helping to preserve a period in St Asaph’s local history.

The event will also feature special guest speaker, John Michael Corfe, who will be discussing the early life and times of the renowned explorer Henry Morton Stanley, a famous figure within the city and wider Denbighshire.

Mathew Baker, Library and Customer Service Assistant Manager St. Asaph and Rhuddlan said: “As a library service we are proud to promote local authors and are pleased to host this event during Local and Community History Month. We hope people will join us for a fascinating and entertaining evening.”

Councillor Emrys Wynne, Lead Member for Welsh Language, Culture & Heritage said:

“Preserving local history within Denbighshire is vitally important. St Asaph has a vibrant and busy history, with many intriguing twists and turns.

This event will help both St Asaph, and wider Denbighshire residents understand their history a little better, and will explain the intriguing history of the city’s Workhouse.”

This event will be free to attend, but spaces must be reserved by contacting 01745 582253.