A medieval footpath blocked off for years will be reopen according to Ruthin Castle - but it has not confirmed when work will begin. 

Cunning Green has been closed since 2022 following a major wall collapse between the castle and Nantclwyd y Dre damaged walls on both sides of the path, blocking it off.

Denbighshire County Council has now repaired the Nantclwyd y Dre side of the wall but work has yet to begin on the castle side.

Ruthin Castle has now confirmed assessments are being made for work to begin it has yet to give a timescale. This has led frustration among town councillors who want the pathway reopened for the community. 

"Cunning Green is an important part of our history and a practical public amenity," said Ruthin Mayor Cllr Jabez Oakes.

"It is not only a very well used cut-through, it is a place where generations have gathered to meet, a quiet public space for young and old alike.

"The pathway also has historical significance, having been here as long as the castle itself and been a part of our history for hundreds of years." 

The pathway, a public right of way since the middle ages, has actually been closed for five of the last 10 years after a previous wall collapse in 2016 forced its closure for three years.

Ruthin town councillor and Ruthin and District Civic Association Chair Anne Roberts insisted that Cunning Green needs to be reopened as soon as possible.

"Cunning Green is not just an hstorical path, it was used every day by the community for centuries," she said. "It also provides a direct connection to Cae Ddol Park. While the beloved park is set to undergo major improvements, access to it will not. It is a valuable local route that people feel they have lost.

"We appreciate that most recent wall collapse was a significant one and Denbighshire County Council has done a wonderful job restoring the Lord's Garden section at Nantclwyd y Dre, but the path remains closed until the rest of the wall is repaired."

Ionut Rus, General Manager of Ruthin Castle, said that following completion of the council's repairs, final assessments were being made before work begins on the castle side of the path. 

"Unfortunately, a wall collapse at Nantclywd y Dre Historic House knocked over a Castle boundary wall along the walkway," he said. 

"The repairs to the Nantclwyd y Dre retaining wall are now completed and with repair and rubble removed we have had professional and structural reports to establish how the Castle wall can be repaired.
"With the repairs now complete at Nantclywd we are able to start repairs on the Castle wall. Alongside the community we are also keen to reinstate the walkway.

"Once this is started will inform people of the timeframe for the reopening of Cunning Green."